Monotypes for Remembrance Day (or Memorial Day or Veteran's Dayy featured image

Grade Level

9-10, 11-12


2 classes, each one was 75 minutes long


Plexiglass, black printing ink, brayers, paint brushes, printmaking paper, printing press, rags



Lesson Objectives

For this lesson, students will:
• Create a monotype image.
• Develop an understanding of the subtractive and additive processes used to create monotype images.
• Understand the concept of creating an image in reverse.
• Utilize vocabulary related to printmaking.

Introductory Activity

Discussion on Remembrance Day. Students will be responsible for finding images of soldiers and war veterans to work from. This can include but is not limited to, photos of family members who served.

Monotype printing is a printmaking technique that creates a unique image by drawing or painting on a smooth, non-absorbent surface and transferring it to paper. In this instance, the surface is plexiglass.

Demonstrate how a monotype is made and printed using additive and subtractive techniques. Show how to create value by removing ink by wiping ink away from the inked plexiglass surface with a cloth or paint brush- use either end of the brush! Also, stress how an image prints in the reverse of its creation. The Resource section below provides a good website with a monotype explained with photographs documenting the steps. Wet the paper before printing; even a completely dry plate will transfer the image.

Lesson Process

Following the demonstration, students will create their own monoprints. Students are required to make at least one print using additive techniques and one using subtractive techniques. Students can place their photos underneath the plexiglass to work from. They will use a cloth and large paintbrushes to manipulate the printing ink to create a range of values.

The students will be responsible for finding images of soldiers and/or veterans to work from. This might, but does not have to, include relatives who may have fought for their country.


monotype, monoprint, wipe away, additive, subtractive, value


Information on Remembrance Day
Monotype with the steps documented

Author & Website/Blog

Andrea Zalan Rappos

Supporting Images