There is nothing better than finding the perfect way to entertain your students while you are out for a day. Did I say entertain? I mean educate. Well, let’s be real, it can be both and ideally is both. As a young teacher, a little bit before the internet, I took a personal day and I came back to a faucet running and yarn strung everywhere. It wound around chair legs, to the flag pole, to the window handles and beyond. If only I had the tools we have today  to help entertain my energetic students back then I might have saved a substitute from a hellish day and myself a good 45 minutes of classroom repair. But this is 2020, and I say use those resources if you have it! Here are some of my favorite and educational games, perfect for a sub day, a filler, a warm up… however you see fit.

*I have attempted to avoid any game that requires Adobe flash.


In person play

  • Blindfolded Sculpting Art Game
  • Do you have cameras? Then try this photo scavenger hunt .
  • Illustrate Idioms literally. Here is a kid friendly list of idioms.
  • Design a sneaker. If you want, add a theme. Another idea, each student gets an artist to pay hommage to. See our
  • Pinterest board with templates and inspiration.
  • Post it note drawings. Everyone gets a post it note. Everyone makes a piece of art and post it at the end of the period. Inspiration. More Inspiration. 
  • Board Game! Pictionary, Art Out of the Box: Creativity games for artists of all ages, Pictionary can be improvised to be played online or on a board in person for sure.