The My Art Lesson Story
The idea for My Art Lesson
If you have arrived at My Art Lesson it is likely you are looking for an art lesson. Is it ironic then that My art Lesson started out as a student solution to an art lesson? After 20 plus years as an art educator, I began training to be a graphic designer. A class assignment challenged me to makeover a website. To make a long story short, I’ve never let go of that project and it became this website, My Art Lesson.

My Art Lesson Takes Off
After dabbling in the design world, I quickly learned you can take the girl out of the art classroom but you can’t take the art classroom out of the girl. I’ve simply moved from mentoring and cheering art students to mentoring and cheering on art educators. I’m in year three and the ideas for articles and lessons keep coming and my audience of art educators keeps growing. It makes me deeply happy to see my lessons, developed for a class of about 25 students, being used by countless art educators and reaching an exponential amount students.

Who am I?
I am Maureen Meyer, art educator. I was an art student who never wanted to leave the art room, and so I stayed. I trained to be an art educator at Alfred University and joined the profession at the age of 22. Here I am, on the other side of my career. I have taught for over 20 years in five schools, two states, six grade levels. I have taught no less than 14 different art classes. I was a department chair in my last position for 7 years. So, I lived all the joys and frustrations that come with being a career art educator. The display cases mocking you in the hallway, reminding you it needs fresh new work. The thrill of a much-deserved art student winning an award. The budgets that never stretch thin enough. I am one of you.

Teaching is Reaching
It is refreshing in today’s world to see art educators nurturing and caring for fellow art educators. I hope you take information away from My Art Lesson that makes you a better teacher and enriches your students’ experience in the classroom. I also hope you consider contributing to our community. Share a lesson, make a comment, engage with us on social media, write me your favorite hack, or send me a picture of a project you found here and did with your students. I recently came across a statement that said, “the secret to living is giving.” Well, it could be said that the secret to teaching is reaching. With My Art Lesson, we can all reach deeper and wider.