The artist who ‘paints’ with recycled plastic
Description: The materials needed to make art can be expensive, too expensive for some. But one artist in South Africa has found a way to combine his artistic passion and his love of recycling. Mbongeni Buthelezi collects plastic bags from the streets around his Johannesburg studio and melts them to create a unique kind of art – he calls it “plastic fantastic”.
Time: 3:05 minutes

How I use art to tackle plastic pollution in our oceans | Alejandro Durán
Alejandro Durán uses art to spotlight the ongoing destruction of our oceans’ ecosystems. In this breathtaking talk, he shows how he meticulously organizes and reuses plastic waste from around the world that washes up on the Caribbean coast of Mexico — everything from water bottles to prosthetic legs — to create vivid, environmental artworks that may leave you mesmerized and shocked.
Time: 7:17

From Tires to Team Mascots: Bringing Tire Art to the 81st Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic
Description: In honor of the journey to the 81st Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic, Goodyear unveiled custom-made tire sculptures celebrating the University of Wisconsin and Western Michigan University #Blimpworthy attributes of hard work, determination, and grit. The sculptures are 7 ft. tall and weigh 300 lbs., and were donated to each school after the game.
Time: 3:22

Jason Mecier on Art or Not?
Description: The segment is looking at Jason Mercier who makes “Celebrity Junk Draw Portraits.”
Time: 4:31

“Hubcap sculptor” turns rubbish into art – BBC News
Description: Ptolemy Elrington sees animals in everyday objects – usually unwanted objects that have been discarded and left as rubbish. The self-styled hubcap artist first became fascinated with scrap when he found an abundance of plastic car waste near his home in Bradford. Later a trip to India convinced him that a lot could be made with the material that society threw away. He has developed his own method for sculpting plastic scrap – with a special interest in fish.
Time: 2:36