I went back to school for graphic design and fell in love with type. I love projects involving type; you don’t need a graphic design background to do many of these lessons.
- Zentangle-inspired letters
Check out Margaret Bremner’s blog for inspiration as well as Mr. MintArt’s blog.
. - Text portraits and figures
Check out our lesson here.
- Type and Texture Study Rubbings
You can find our Typography and Texture Study here,
- Type Faces
It’s written up as a downloadable sub-lesson here at My Art Lesson but certainly could be done as a lesson.
- Onomatopoeia Projects!
Check out our WHAM! Paper Relief Sculptures.
. - Go 3D with letter sculptures.
Inspiration here or Mrs. Wille’s Art Room blog to see her students’ Autobiographical Architectural Letters.
. - Name Sculptures See Deborah Ladeby’s Art in the Middle blog for her name sculpture lesson. Or check up on this complete lesson found at Cloverleaf Middle School’s art website.
. - Expressive type
Expressive type is a project my students loved.
. - Micrography
Find these great 8th-grade micrography examples found at art teacher Evan Asche’s blog.
. - Letter patterns!
Find directions here.
- Jasper Johns-Inspired lesson
Find directions at Lee Darter’s blog.
. - Bemboos Zoo-inspired lesson
For those that don’t know, Bamboo’s Zoo is a children’s book created by graphic Designer Roberto De Vicq de Cumptich and it also used to have a great animated website before Adobe Flash’s demise. You can still see examples of the animation on You Tube.
We have this lesson inspired by Bemboo’s Zoo.
- Let’s not forget Graffiti Art, see the lesson here.